Thomas Campbell's new surf foto book "Slide your brains out"

Thomas Campbell: Slide Your Brains Out

Surfing in General 1997–2012 UM YEAH PRESS

Foreword by Scott Hulet. Afterword by Ed Templeton.

Growing up in southern California, artist, photographer and filmmaker Thomas Campbell was raised on the DIY aesthetic of the early 1980s skateboarding culture. Photography tips came from likeminded fellow photographers employed in the surfing press rather than from school, and art history was a matter of osmosis, not academia. In the mid-1990s, Campbell moved to New York and immersed himself in the scene around Alleged Gallery, where he quickly befriended and exhibited among the generation of artists who would star in the landmark 2004 exhibition Beautiful Losers. Campbell began documenting surfing cul- ture in the late 1990s through both photography and film. His first fea- ture-length film, The Seedling, came out in 1999, followed by Sprout in 2004 and The Present in 2009. Campbell’s surfing photography has long been admired among by fellow surfers for its lack of gloss finish; unlike most, he eschews the familiar fish-eye shots or tightly cropped land an- gles. The first of five projected volumes in Um Yeah Press’ surf photo- book series, Slide Your Brains Out compiles work from the past 15 years. Often lo-fi and gritty, other times lush and saturated, Campbell’s compo- sitions—which include portraits and action shots of some of the best surfers in the world—are always surprising and full of emotion, from melancholy to exultation.

hard cover

 6.75 x 9.75 in.

 176 pages 

released - nov. 2012

 this book is available at at the following surf shops: 

MolluskThalia Surf ShopPilgrim Surf Supply

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Thomas Campbell's book "From UMMMM to DER"

Thomas Campbell is a self-taught painter, sculptor, photographer, and filmmaker. He splits his time between his painting, sewing, sculpture, and stuff -making studio in Bonny Doon, California and traversing the globe making films and taking part in different art situations. Campbell was prominently featured in the ground-breaking touring exhibition (2003-2008) “Beautiful Losers” and also the subsequent book and film. From UMMMM to DER reveals Campbell’s art-making process over a two year period between mid 2009 through mid-2011, unveiling a deep and expansive look into the ongoing refinement of his craft, with vivid well-documented images of recent paintings, drawings and sculptures. This newly produced monograph captures Campbell at home in the studio as well as out and about producing solo shows and installations around the world in Copenhagen, Sydney, Melbourne, Sao Paulo and San Francisco.

108 Pages


6 3/4” x 9 1/2”

95 Illustrations

released march 2012
