Nathaniel Russell "Get To Work" Print

Nathaniel Russell - special limited edition hand silk screened print and cruiser skateboard set --- edition of 110 combos


Excited to announce a very special limited edition Nathaniel Russell hand silk screened print and skateboard set --- cruiser model (30.5 x 7.8) and 24 x 18 two color print, both silkscreens by hand in California. Prints signed and numbered by nat in Indiana. Skateboards by @watsonlaminates in San Diego and prints by @natswope in Oakland , thank u. Nathaniel Russell is a major um yeah bud, always psyched to do projects with such a rare talented bird. Also 10% of the sales from this offering will be donated to @noquestionsaskedfoodpantry? A food bank that does great work to help folks out in Indianapolis that nat is stoked on and wanted to support. Ok, here we go. Thanks for ur interest.

1.Two color silk screen print, 18x24 on archival paper, printed by the master silk screener Nat Swope in Oakland, California
2. Seven ply maple cruise sized skateboard made in San Diego, California At Watson Laminates (Same People that make Toy Machine and Foundation sleds)
-silk screened, full dip deck 30.5 x 7.8 inches

$130 for the set - plus shipping

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